Home MLA Shampa Daripa

Shampa Daripa

Shampa Daripa Shampa Daripa, 56 years old mla contested election from Bankura (Bankura) in 2016 and won. Currently She is associated with the Indian National Congress. Shampa Daripa does not have any criminal records and 1,09,371 (INR) of financial liability.

Constituency Bankura

Age 56

Education Graduate

Contact No. 9434014911

Shampa Daripa


More About

Shampa Daripa

Age 56

Gender Female

Place Of Birth West Bengal

Permanent Address Bankura, West Bengal

Constituency name Bankura

Profession Business

Citizenship indian

Party Name INC

Father's name NA

Mother's name NA

Spouse's name Subrata Daripa

Spouse's Profession Business

Assets & Liabilities

Assets Rs: 14868951

Liabilities Rs: 109371

Criminal case on

Shampa Daripa

No Criminal Case Found

Frequently asked questions About Shampa Daripa

Shampa Daripa is INC MLA from Bankura. She was born in West Bengal and currently lives in Bankura, West Bengal. Regarding her education, She is a graduate and is into Business.

Shampa Daripa has assets worth Rs. 14868951 (One Crore Forty-eight Lakh Sixty-eight Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-one) and financial liability of Rs. 109371 (One Lakh Nine Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-one) .

We have not found any criminal cases registered against Shampa Daripa as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!

You can contact her on 9434014911 or can email her on . The accuracy of phone number and email details are not verified by ourneta.com.

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Shampa Daripa

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Shampa Daripa

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