More About
Seuli Saha
Date of birth 1970-12-19
Gender Female
Place Of Birth West Bengal
Permanent Address Haridevpur, Kolkata West Bengal
Constituency name Keshpur
Profession Social Worker
Citizenship indian
Party Name AITC
Father's name Ranjan Kumar Khanra
Mother's name NA
Spouse's name Dr. Sakshi Gopal Saha
Spouse's Profession Doctor
Assets & Liabilities
Assets Rs: 18866243
Liabilities Rs: 274000
Criminal case on
Seuli Saha
No Criminal Case Found
Frequently asked questions About Seuli Saha
Seuli Saha is AITC MLA from Keshpur. She was born in West Bengal and currently lives in Haridevpur, Kolkata West Bengal . Regarding her education, She is a post-graduate and is into Social Worker.
Seuli Saha has assets worth Rs. 18866243 (One Crore Eighty-eight Lakh Sixty-six Thousand Two Hundred Forty-three) and financial liability of Rs. 274000 (Two Lakh Seventy-four Thousand) .
We have not found any criminal cases registered against Seuli Saha as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!
You can contact her on 9735163244 or can email her on
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What Janta Thinks About
Seuli Saha
AITMC Sainik since 1998
She is our (AITMC) one of the most honest and grond level female leader and also an easy accessable nd well coordinate public figure for all . She is strong effortable towards her responsibilities as a Minister in charge in her Dept....
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Seuli Saha