Home MLA Rajesh Panditrao Ekade

Rajesh Panditrao Ekade

Rajesh Ekade is 55 years old MLA contested election from Malkapur, Maharashtra in the year 2019 and he won. Nowadays, he is associated with the Indian National Congress political party. He has two criminal records and 32,60,725 Rupees financial liability.

Constituency Malkapur

DOB 1965-06-19

Education Twelth Pass

Contact No. 09422181500

Rajesh Panditrao Ekade


More About

Rajesh Panditrao Ekade

Date of birth 1965-06-19

Gender Male

Place Of Birth Nandura

Permanent Address Ekade Layout, Ward No 2, Nandura, Buldana, Maharashtra- 443404

Constituency name Malkapur

Profession Farmer and Businessperson

Citizenship indian

Party Name INC

Father's name Panditrao Ekade

Mother's name NA

Spouse's name Savita Ekade

Spouse's Profession Housewife

Assets & Liabilities

Assets Rs: 17504343

Liabilities Rs: 3260725

Criminal case on

Rajesh Panditrao Ekade


IPC Section 420, 464, 34

  • FIR No 514/2018, Police Station Nandura, Criminal Case No 951/2018, First Class Judicial Magistrate Court, Nandura.


IPC Section 363, 366, 376(1), 34

  • FIR No 3017/2015, Civil Line Police Station, Case No 166/16, First Class Additional Session Court, Akola, Section 3(1)(12), SC/ST Act, Date Framed 04-Oct-2018.

Frequently asked questions About Rajesh Panditrao Ekade

Rajesh Panditrao Ekade is INC MLA from Malkapur. He was born in Nandura and currently lives in Ekade Layout, Ward No 2, Nandura, Buldana, Maharashtra- 443404. Regarding his education, He is a twelth-pass and is into Farmer and Businessperson.

Rajesh Panditrao Ekade has assets worth Rs. 17504343 (One Crore Seventy-five Lakh Four Thousand Three Hundred Forty-three) and financial liability of Rs. 3260725 (Thirty-two Lakh Sixty Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-five) .

We have found 2 criminal cases registered against Rajesh Panditrao Ekade as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!

You can contact him on 09422181500 or can email him on . The accuracy of phone number and email details are not verified by ourneta.com.

What Janta Thinks About

Rajesh Panditrao Ekade

Awesome work

25 Varsha nanter matdar sanghat samanya Mansala nyay milala, Ya agodar suddhha aamadar hote Pan samanya mansacya awakya baher hote


2022-01-11Mahesh Narkhede
Samanya jantecha neta

Samaj v talagaltil lokana sobat gheun Janara ,asamanya vyaktitwacha dhani aselela samanya lokacha Jigerbaz neta , Aamdar Rajubhau



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Rajesh Panditrao Ekade

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