Home MLA Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh

Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh

Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh, 53 years old mla contested election from Lohaghat (Champawat) in 2017 and won. Currently he is associated with the Bhartiya Janta Party. Puran Singh Fartyal does not have any criminal records and 59,82,760 (INR) of financial liability.

Constituency Lohaghat

Age 53

Education Tenth Pass

Contact No. 9456590892

Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh


More About

Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh

Age 53

Gender Male

Place Of Birth Uttarakhand

Permanent Address Village Kalchuda Post Karankarayat Tehsil Lohaghat Dist champavat

Constituency name Lohaghat

Profession MLA

Citizenship indian

Party Name BJP

Father's name Prahlad Singh

Mother's name NA

Spouse's name NA

Spouse's Profession Business and hotel business

Assets & Liabilities

Assets Rs: 14639384

Liabilities Rs: 5982760

Criminal case on

Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh

No Criminal Case Found

Frequently asked questions About Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh

Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh is BJP MLA from Lohaghat. He was born in Uttarakhand and currently lives in Village Kalchuda Post Karankarayat Tehsil Lohaghat Dist champavat. Regarding his education, He is a tenth-pass and is into MLA.

Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh has assets worth Rs. 14639384 (One Crore Forty-six Lakh Thirty-nine Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-four) and financial liability of Rs. 5982760 (Fifty-nine Lakh Eighty-two Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty) .

We have not found any criminal cases registered against Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!

You can contact him on 9456590892 or can email him on . The accuracy of phone number and email details are not verified by ourneta.com.

What Janta Thinks About

Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh


Very characterless person . he don’t know how to talk and gunda ghardi karta hai . Iske pass kaam k liye jaao koe bhi yeh tumhra paper fhaad dega . aur and he’s using government money for self power and assests . Iske pass 1 crore ki car hai aur bht saari cheeze hai jo BJP government k paise se khareedi hai . Yeh loogo ka paisa khaata hai aur loogo ko maarne ki dhamkiya deta hai . iske pass gunde hai apne aur yeh Aaurato ko chedta hai .


2022-03-10Sherada Dhami




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Puran Fartyal Prahlad Singh

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