More About
Partha Pratim Roy
Date of birth 1981-11-15
Gender Male
Place Of Birth Coochbehar
Permanent Address 216, North Avenue, New Delhi-110001
Constituency name Coochbehar
Profession School Teacher
Citizenship indian
Party Name AITC
Father's name Suresh Chandra Roy
Mother's name Madhumala Roy
Spouse's name Priyanka Narayan Roy
Spouse's Profession Health Assistant
Assets & Liabilities
Assets Rs: 5979673
Liabilities Rs: 511849
Criminal case on
Partha Pratim Roy
IPC Section 143, 448, 427, 506
- G.R No 428/13, Court took cognizance- Ld. CJM Sadar Cooch Behar.
IPC Section 143, 448, 427, 373, 506
- G.R No 340/13, Date of cognizance- 24/10/2016.
Frequently asked questions About Partha Pratim Roy
Partha Pratim Roy is AITC MP from Coochbehar. He was born in Coochbehar and currently lives in 216, North Avenue, New Delhi-110001. Regarding his education, He is a post-graduate and is into School Teacher.
Partha Pratim Roy has assets worth Rs. 5979673 (Fifty-nine Lakh Seventy-nine Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-three) and financial liability of Rs. 511849 (Five Lakh Eleven Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-nine) .
We have found 2 criminal cases registered against Partha Pratim Roy as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!
You can contact him on 09002855463 or can email him on
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Partha Pratim Roy
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