Home MLA Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore

Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore

Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore 44 years old mla contested election from Man (Satara) in 2019 and won. Currently he is associated with the Bharatiya Janata Party. Jaykumar has Five criminal record and 1,98,31,890 (INR) of financial liability.    

Constituency Man

Age 44

Education Twelth Pass

Contact No. 9766152999

Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore


More About

Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore

Age 44

Gender Male

Place Of Birth


Constituency name Man

Profession Farming & Business

Citizenship indian

Party Name BJP

Father's name Bhagwanrao Gore

Mother's name NA

Spouse's name NA

Spouse's Profession Housewife, Service & Business

Assets & Liabilities

Assets Rs: 57895086

Liabilities Rs: 19831890

Criminal case on

Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore


354(A), 354(A)2, 506, 509

  • 803/16, Satara City Police Station, 479/17, Chief Judicial magistrate Court, Satara, Section-67A, I.T. Act. IPC Sections Applicable: 1) 1 charges related to criminal intimidation (IPC Section-506) 2) 1 charges related to Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman (IPC Section-509)


143, 147, 149, 332, 333, 326, 337, 353, 504, 506

  • 39/15, Dahiwadi Police Station, Satara, Session Case No. 26/2017, District Judge Waduj, Section 3, 4 Defacement Act, Section 37, 135 Mumbai Police Act IPC Sections Applicable: 1) 1 charges related to Being member of an unlawful assembly (IPC Section-143) 2) 1 charges related to Punishment for Rioting (IPC Section-147) 3) 1 charges related to Every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of common object (IPC Section-149) 4) 1 charges related to Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty (IPC Section-332) 5) 1 charges related to Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to deter public servant from his duty (IPC Section-333) 6) 1 charges related to Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means (IPC Section-326) 7) 1 charges related to Causing hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others (IPC Section-337) 8) 1 charges related to Assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty (IPC Section-353) 9) 1 charges related to Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace (IPC Section-504) 10) 1 charges related to criminal intimidation (IPC Section-506)


307, 342, 120(B)

  • 92/2009, Dahiwadi Police Station, Satara, 92/2009, First Class Judicial Magistrate Court, Dahiwadi. IPC Sections Applicable: 1) 1 charges related to Attempt to murder (IPC Section-307) 2) 1 charges related to wrongful Confinement (IPC Section-342) 3) 1 charges related to Punishment of criminal conspiracy (IPC Section-120B)


406, 409, 420, 465, 468, 120(B), 34

  • 11/2009, Miraj Gramin Police Station,Sangli, 101/213, First Class Judicial Magistrate Court, Miraj, Dist - Sangali IPC Sections Applicable: 1) 1 charges related to criminal breach of trust (IPC Section-406) 2) 1 charges related to Criminal breach of trust by public servant, or by banker, merchant or agent (IPC Section-409) 3) 1 charges related to Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property (IPC Section-420) 4) 1 charges related to forgery (IPC Section-465) 5) 1 charges related to Forgery for purpose of cheating (IPC Section-468) 6) 1 charges related to Punishment of criminal conspiracy (IPC Section-120B) 7) 1 charges related to Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention (IPC Section-34)


504, 506

  • 245/2014, Dahiwadi Police Station, Satara 17.04.2014 IPC Sections Applicable: 1) 1 charges related to Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace (IPC Section-504) 2) 1 charges related to criminal intimidation (IPC Section-506)

Frequently asked questions About Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore

Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore is BJP MLA from Man. He was born in and currently lives in BODAKE (BORATWADI), MAN SATARA . Regarding his education, He is a twelth-pass and is into Farming & Business.

Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore has assets worth Rs. 57895086 (Five Crore Seventy-eight Lakh Ninety-five Thousand Eighty-six) and financial liability of Rs. 19831890 (One Crore Ninety-eight Lakh Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety) .

We have found 5 criminal cases registered against Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore as of 2024. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!

You can contact him on 9766152999 or can email him on . The accuracy of phone number and email details are not verified by ourneta.com.

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Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore

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Jaykumar Bhagwanrao Gore

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