Home MLA Ghulam Mohammad

Ghulam Mohammad

Ghulam Mohammed is a 69 years old Indian politician and a member of the 16th and 18th Uttar Pradesh Assembly of India. He represents the Siwaslkhas constituency of Uttar Pradesh. In the 2022 UP elections, Ghulam Mohammad of the Rashtriya Lok Dal won the Siwalkhas seat by defeating Manendra Pal Singh of the Bharatiya Janata Party with a margin of 9182 votes. Ghulam Mohammad's total declared assets are Rs 2.5 Crore, including Rs 13.5 lakh in moveable assets and Rs 2.3 crore as immovable assets. His total reported income is Rs 15 lakh, of which Rs 10.4 lakh is self income. Ghulam Mohammad has total liabilities of Rs 92.7 Lac. The election affidavit mentioned two criminal cases registered against him.

Constituency Siwalkhas

DOB 1953-01-19

Education Post Graduate

Contact No.

Ghulam Mohammad


More About

Ghulam Mohammad

Date of birth 1953-01-19

Gender Male

Place Of Birth Meerut

Permanent Address 641/13 Shastri Nagar Road, Shergarhi, Shastri Nagar, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh - 250004

Constituency name Siwalkhas

Profession Pensioner

Citizenship indian

Party Name RLD

Father's name Sadaq Ali

Mother's name N/A

Spouse's name Salma

Spouse's Profession Business

Assets & Liabilities

Assets Rs: 24550000

Liabilities Rs: 9270116

Criminal case on

Ghulam Mohammad


IPC Section - 171H, 171F

  • Brief Details of IPCs 1- 1 charge related to Illegal payments in connection with an election (IPC Section-171H) 2- 1 charge related to Punishment for undue influence or personation at an election (IPC Section-171F)

Frequently asked questions About Ghulam Mohammad

Ghulam Mohammad is RLD MLA from Siwalkhas. He was born in Meerut and currently lives in 641/13 Shastri Nagar Road, Shergarhi, Shastri Nagar, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh - 250004. Regarding his education, He is a post-graduate and is into Pensioner.

Ghulam Mohammad has assets worth Rs. 24550000 (Two Crore Forty-five Lakh Fifty Thousand) and financial liability of Rs. 9270116 (Ninety-two Lakh Seventy Thousand One Hundred Sixteen) .

We have found 1 criminal case registered against Ghulam Mohammad as of 2024. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!

You can contact him on N/A or can email him on . The accuracy of phone number and email details are not verified by ourneta.com.

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Ghulam Mohammad

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Ghulam Mohammad

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