More About
Dr. M. P. Arya
Age 64
Gender Male
Place Of Birth
Permanent Address GJQP+P82, Nawabganj, Uttar Pradesh 262406
Constituency name Nawabganj
Profession Medical Consultation
Citizenship indian
Party Name BJP
Father's name Shri Dori Lal
Mother's name N/A
Spouse's name N/A
Spouse's Profession Housewife
Assets & Liabilities
Assets Rs: 199983897
Liabilities Rs: 27577679
Criminal case on
Dr. M. P. Arya
304A, 323, 504, 506
- Brief Details of IPCs 1-1 charges related to Causing death by negligence (IPC Section-304A) 2- 2 charges related to Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt (IPC Section-323) 3- 2 charges related to Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace (IPC Section-504) 4- 2 charges related to Punishment for criminal intimidation (IPC Section-506)
435, 336, 353,
- Brief Details of IPCs 1- 1 charges related to Mischief by destroying or moving, etc., a land- mark fixed by public authority Mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to cause damage to amount of one hundred or (in case of agricultural produce) ten rupees (IPC Section-435) 2- 1 charges related to Act endangering life or personal safety of others (IPC Section-336) 3- 1 charges related to Assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty (IPC Section-353)
147, 148, 352, 427
- Brief Details of IPCs 1- 2 charges related to Punishment for Rioting (IPC Section-147) 2- 1 charges related to Rioting, armed with deadly weapon (IPC Section-148) 3- 1 charges related to Punishment for assault or criminal force otherwise than on grave provocation (IPC Section-352) 4- 1 charges related to Mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees (IPC Section-427)
188, 171, 147, 323
- Brief Details of IPCs 1-1 charges related to Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant (IPC Section-188) 2-1 charges related to Wearing grab or carrying token used by public servant with fraudulent intent (IPC Section-171) 3- 2 charges related to Punishment for Rioting (IPC Section-147) 4- 2 charges related to Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt (IPC Section-323)
332, 504, 506
- Brief Details of IPCs 1- 1 charges related to Voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty (IPC Section-332) 2- 2 charges related to Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace (IPC Section-504) 3- 2 charges related to Punishment for criminal intimidation (IPC Section-506)
Frequently asked questions About Dr. M. P. Arya
Dr. M. P. Arya is BJP MLA from Nawabganj. He was born in and currently lives in GJQP+P82, Nawabganj, Uttar Pradesh 262406. Regarding his education, He is a post-graduate and is into Medical Consultation.
Dr. M. P. Arya has assets worth Rs. 199983897 (Nineteen Crore Ninety-nine Lakh Eighty-three Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-seven) and financial liability of Rs. 27577679 (Two Crore Seventy-five Lakh Seventy-seven Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-nine) .
We have found 5 criminal cases registered against Dr. M. P. Arya as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!
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