Home MLA Digambar Kamat

Digambar Kamat

Digambar Kamat is a 67 years old Indian politician. He was the Chief Minister of Goa from 2007 to 2012. Manohar Parikar succeeded him after his term as the Chief Minister of Goa. From 2006 to 2019, he was the president of the Swimming Federation of India. Currently, he serves as an MLA from the Margao constituency. Digambar Kamat total declared assets are Rs 15.2 crore, including Rs 8.7 Crore in moveable assets and Rs 6.4 Crore as immovable assets. His total reported income is Rs 48 Lac, of which Rs 24 Lac is self income. Digambar Kamat has total liabilities of Rs 20.5 lakh. The election affidavit mentioned six criminal cases registered against him.

Constituency Margao

DOB 1954-03-08

Education Graduate

Contact No. 9822129339

Digambar Kamat


More About

Digambar Kamat

Date of birth 1954-03-08

Gender Male

Place Of Birth Margao, Goa

Permanent Address Malbhat Margao Goa

Constituency name Margao

Profession Agriculturist

Citizenship indian

Party Name INC

Father's name Vasant Kamat

Mother's name NA

Spouse's name Asha Kamat

Spouse's Profession House Wife

Assets & Liabilities

Assets Rs: 151565314

Liabilities Rs: 2045000

Criminal case on

Digambar Kamat


IPC Section - 420, 379, 406, 409, 201

  • Brief Details of IPCs 1- 2 charges related to Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property (IPC Section-420) 2- 1 charge related to Punishment for theft (IPC Section-379) 3- 1 charge related to Punishment for criminal breach of trust (IPC Section-406) 4- 1 charge related to criminal breach of trust by a public servant, or by banker, merchant or agent (IPC Section-409) 5- 1 charge related to Causing the disappearance of evidence of the offense, or giving false information to screen offenders (IPC Section-201)

Frequently asked questions About Digambar Kamat

Digambar Kamat is INC MLA from Margao. He was born in Margao, Goa and currently lives in Malbhat Margao Goa. Regarding his education, He is a graduate and is into Agriculturist.

Digambar Kamat has assets worth Rs. 151565314 (Fifteen Crore Fifteen Lakh Sixty-five Thousand Three Hundred Fourteen) and financial liability of Rs. 2045000 (Twenty Lakh Forty-five Thousand) .

We have found 1 criminal case registered against Digambar Kamat as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!

You can contact him on 9822129339 or can email him on . The accuracy of phone number and email details are not verified by ourneta.com.

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Digambar Kamat

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Digambar Kamat

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