More About
Balraj Kundu
Age 49
Gender Male
Place Of Birth Meham , Haryana
Permanent Address Rohtak Haryana
Constituency name Meham
Profession Salaried
Citizenship indian
Father's name Zile Singh Kundu
Mother's name NA
Spouse's name NA
Spouse's Profession Salaried
Assets & Liabilities
Assets Rs: 1411984037
Liabilities Rs: 89674167
Criminal case on
Balraj Kundu
3 dated 27/05/2011 & Sec.22-A of Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution Act, 1981)
- NA
Frequently asked questions About Balraj Kundu
Balraj Kundu is INDEPENDENT MLA from Meham. He was born in Meham , Haryana and currently lives in Rohtak Haryana. Regarding his education, He is a graduate and is into Salaried.
Balraj Kundu has assets worth Rs. 1411984037 (One Hundred Forty-one Crore Nineteen Lakh Eighty-four Thousand Thirty-seven) and financial liability of Rs. 89674167 (Eight Crore Ninety-six Lakh Seventy-four Thousand One Hundred Sixty-seven) .
We have found 1 criminal case registered against Balraj Kundu as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!
You can contact him on 7027750555 or can email him on
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What Janta Thinks About
Balraj Kundu
Ap jese neta hona muskil hai apne bahut acche work kiye hai please meri help karo
Mujhe apse help chahiye ji mere sath bahut galat hadsa hua hai sashan prasashan koi bhi sunbai nahi kar raha hai please meri help karo
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Balraj Kundu