More About
Ananthkumar Hegde
Date of birth 1968-05-20
Gender Male
Place Of Birth Sirsi, Distt. Uttara Kannada (Karnataka)
Permanent Address 13, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi - 110 001
Constituency name Uttara Kannada
Profession Business and Agriculture
Citizenship indian
Party Name BJP
Father's name Dattatraya Hegde
Mother's name Lalita Hegde
Spouse's name Shrirupa Hedge
Spouse's Profession Agriculturist & Business
Assets & Liabilities
Assets Rs: 84755455
Liabilities Rs: 41016659
Criminal case on
Ananthkumar Hegde
59/2018 Manki Police Station, Taluk Honnavar, District North Kanara, State Karnataka , Honourable Court of Prl. Civil Judge (Jr. Dn) & JMFC Court Honnavar, Uttara Kannada Dist of Karnataka State , 153A & Section 125 of the Representation of People Act 1951
- 1)2 charges related to Promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc., and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony (IPC Section-153A) 2)1 charges related to Deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings or any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs (IPC Section-295A)
0005/2018, Kittur Police Station, Taluk Bailahongal, District Belgaum, State Karnataka , Civil Judge & JMFC Court Kittur, Belgaum District & 153A, 504
- 1)1 charges related to criminal intimidation (IPC Section-506) 2)1 charges related to Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention (IPC Section-34)
0001/2017, New Market Yard Police Station, Taluk Sirsi, District North Kanara, State Karnataka , Honourable Court of Addl. Civil Judge (Jr. Dn) & JMFC Court Sirsi, Uttara Kannada Dist of Karnataka State , 506, 341, 34, 323 & Section 4 of the Karnataka Prohibition of Violence against Medicare Service Personnel and Damage to Property in Medicare Service Institutions Act 2009
- 1 charges related to Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace (IPC Section-504)
0040/2016, New Market Yard Police Station, Taluk Sirsi, District North Kanara, State Karnataka , Spl. CC No. 403/2018 , Honourable Special Court for MLAs and MPs at Bangalore & 295A , 24 Aug 2018
- 1 charges related to wrongful restraint (IPC Section-341)
Frequently asked questions About Ananthkumar Hegde
Ananthkumar Hegde is BJP MP from Uttara Kannada. He was born in Sirsi, Distt. Uttara Kannada (Karnataka) and currently lives in 13, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi - 110 001. Regarding his education, He is a twelth-pass and is into Business and Agriculture.
Ananthkumar Hegde has assets worth Rs. 84755455 (Eight Crore Forty-seven Lakh Fifty-five Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-five) and financial liability of Rs. 41016659 (Four Crore Ten Lakh Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-nine) .
We have found 4 criminal cases registered against Ananthkumar Hegde as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!
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