More About
Amitabh Bajpai
Date of birth 1974-07-31
Gender Male
Place Of Birth Kanpur
Permanent Address 117/K/16, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh- 208005
Constituency name Arya Nagar
Profession Businessperson and Social Worker
Citizenship indian
Party Name SP
Father's name Kamlesh Chandra Bajpai
Mother's name NA
Spouse's name Vandana Bajpai
Spouse's Profession Businessperson
Assets & Liabilities
Assets Rs: 66012508
Liabilities Rs: 1509769
Criminal case on
Amitabh Bajpai
IPC Section-332, 506
- Brief Details of IPCs 1- 1 charge related to Voluntarily causing hurt to deter a public servant from his duty (IPC Section-332) 2- 1 charge related to Punishment for criminal intimidation (IPC Section-506)
Frequently asked questions About Amitabh Bajpai
What Janta Thinks About
Amitabh Bajpai
Hamara neta kaisa ho amitabh bhaiya jaisa ho 😀
I personally had water problem in my compound for my servants, bhaiya ensured that problem would be taken care of and within a span of 1 month without any followup from my side he installed a handpump. Also he is taking care of the constituency reaply well just like a father takes care of his children. My vote again for Sri. Amitabh Bajpai. Har Har Mahadev!!!
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Amitabh Bajpai