Home MLA Sunil Shankarrao Shelke

Sunil Shankarrao Shelke

Sunil Shelke is 39 years old MLA contested election from Maval, Maharashtra in the year 2019 and he won. Nowadays, he is associated with the Nationalist Congress Party. He does not have any criminal record but he has 5,13,09,059 Rupees financial liability.

Constituency Maval

DOB 1980-10-20

Education Eighth Pass

Contact No. 09890099009

Sunil Shankarrao Shelke


More About

Sunil Shankarrao Shelke

Date of birth 1980-10-20

Gender Male

Place Of Birth Talegaon Dabhade

Permanent Address Sai House, Kadolkar Colony, Talegaon Dabhade, Maharashtra- 410506

Constituency name Maval

Profession Farmer and Businessperson

Citizenship indian

Party Name NCP

Father's name Shankarrao Shelke

Mother's name NA

Spouse's name Sarika Shelke

Spouse's Profession Job

Assets & Liabilities

Assets Rs: 545161063

Liabilities Rs: 51309059

Criminal case on

Sunil Shankarrao Shelke

No Criminal Case Found

Frequently asked questions About Sunil Shankarrao Shelke

Sunil Shankarrao Shelke is NCP MLA from Maval. He was born in Talegaon Dabhade and currently lives in Sai House, Kadolkar Colony, Talegaon Dabhade, Maharashtra- 410506. Regarding his education, He is a eighth-pass and is into Farmer and Businessperson.

Sunil Shankarrao Shelke has assets worth Rs. 545161063 (Fifty-four Crore Fifty-one Lakh Sixty-one Thousand Sixty-three) and financial liability of Rs. 51309059 (Five Crore Thirteen Lakh Nine Thousand Fifty-nine) .

We have not found any criminal cases registered against Sunil Shankarrao Shelke as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!

You can contact him on 09890099009 or can email him on . The accuracy of phone number and email details are not verified by ourneta.com.

What Janta Thinks About

Sunil Shankarrao Shelke

This leader is doing excellent work

Anna is great human bing


2020-06-27Vikas g bhoir
Best mla..till now

अण्णा खूप काम करता आहे तुम्ही...


2020-10-03Sayujya Godase
Sunil anna ek number kam krtat

Sunil anna shelke dada ekch number


2020-10-14Prajwal gawade
Youth icon

Anna your my mentor and one of the best ever political leader I have ever seen the love for your people as well as politics is always been highlighted in your eyes... I think there's no one who can compete your desperation towards the development of Maval constituency Actually I come under Haveli taluka and henceforth I will always have regret of not being able to give my vote to you but I would like to suggest you to contest the upcoming Loksabaha elections so that me as well as all the young generation can get a chance of actively participating in the voting process by giving our first ever vote to you for me SUNIL SHELKE the name itself means DEVELOPMENT ⏰✌⏰✌ Last but not the least *सुनिल आण्णा शेळके दादा एक नंबर*


2020-11-12Srushti Rupesh Kute

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Sunil Shankarrao Shelke

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