Home MLA Manisha Vakil

Manisha Vakil

Manisha Vakil is 44 years old MLA contested from Vadodara City constituency in the year 2017 and she won. Nowadays, she is associated with the Bharatiya Janata Party. Also, she was elected as Member of Gujarat Legislative Assembly from Vadodara City constituency in the year 2012. She does not have any criminal records but she has 22,00,000 rupees financial liability.

Constituency Vadodara City

DOB 1975-03-25

Education Post Graduate

Contact No. 08128322680

Manisha Vakil


More About

Manisha Vakil

Date of birth 1975-03-25

Gender Female

Place Of Birth Vadodara

Permanent Address 46/295, M.I.G, Flat Flora Park, Race Course, Subhanpura, Vadodara- 390023

Constituency name Vadodara City

Profession Supervisor at Primary School

Citizenship indian

Party Name BJP

Father's name NA

Mother's name NA

Spouse's name Rajiv Dahyabhai Vakil

Spouse's Profession Contractor

Assets & Liabilities

Assets Rs: 4913965

Liabilities Rs: 2200000

Criminal case on

Manisha Vakil

No Criminal Case Found

Frequently asked questions About Manisha Vakil

Manisha Vakil is BJP MLA from Vadodara City. She was born in Vadodara and currently lives in 46/295, M.I.G, Flat Flora Park, Race Course, Subhanpura, Vadodara- 390023 . Regarding her education, She is a post-graduate and is into Supervisor at Primary School.

Manisha Vakil has assets worth Rs. 4913965 (Forty-nine Lakh Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-five) and financial liability of Rs. 2200000 (Twenty-two Lakh) .

We have not found any criminal cases registered against Manisha Vakil as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!

You can contact her on 08128322680 or can email her on . The accuracy of phone number and email details are not verified by ourneta.com.

What Janta Thinks About

Manisha Vakil

Some words for Mrs. Manisha vakil

I am just a proud student of Mrs. Manish vakil ma'am. Wouldn't be an exaggeration if i am to say, i am who i am in life due to her role in my upbringing. She was my class teacher in primary school. I had witnessed both her anger and her pampering when it came to my academic career. She was the one to always push me forward in my School life. I am sure if she is to read this review, she would call me and point out many grammatical mistakes.. Haha I haven't been following her much in her political career to be honest, but only had good comments to hear about her. A wonderful human being and an exceptional motivator. I wish her best of everything in her journey of ongoing political career. I am positive that she will do many good for this society.


2021-04-24Vishal patel

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Manisha Vakil

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