Home MLA Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani

Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani

Kishorbhai Kanani is 56 years old MLA contested election from Varachha Road, Gujarat in the year 2017 and he won. Nowadays, he is associated with the Bharatiya Janata Party. Also, he was elected as Member of Gujarat Legislative Assembly from Varachha Road constituency in the year 2012. He does not have any criminal records but he has 82,13,414 Rupees financial liability. Kishorbhai Kanani is also known as Kumar Kanani.

Constituency Varachha Road

DOB 1963-12-01

Education Eighth Pass

Contact No. 09825508225

Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani


More About

Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani

Date of birth 1963-12-01

Gender Male

Place Of Birth Juna Savar

Permanent Address 36-K, Vishnunagar Soc, Vibhag -2, Ankur Char Rasta, A.K Road, Katargam, Surat- 395008

Constituency name Varachha Road

Profession Businessperson

Citizenship indian

Party Name BJP

Father's name Shivabhai Kanani

Mother's name NA

Spouse's name Shardaben Kanani

Spouse's Profession Housewife

Assets & Liabilities

Assets Rs: 22181461

Liabilities Rs: 8213414

Criminal case on

Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani

No Criminal Case Found

Frequently asked questions About Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani

Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani is BJP MLA from Varachha Road. He was born in Juna Savar and currently lives in 36-K, Vishnunagar Soc, Vibhag -2, Ankur Char Rasta, A.K Road, Katargam, Surat- 395008 . Regarding his education, He is a eighth-pass and is into Businessperson.

Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani has assets worth Rs. 22181461 (Two Crore Twenty-one Lakh Eighty-one Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-one) and financial liability of Rs. 8213414 (Eighty-two Lakh Thirteen Thousand Four Hundred Fourteen) .

We have not found any criminal cases registered against Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!

You can contact him on 09825508225 or can email him on . The accuracy of phone number and email details are not verified by ourneta.com.

What Janta Thinks About

Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani

most corrupt leader

kumar kanani will be always known as person who destroyed sunita yadav's career.also hez full corrupt and he is involved in women slavery


Corrupted and 8 pass

Abhan illiterate person must not be our leader


2022-12-01Vipul Patel
Hard Working.

He Listens public problems and mostly solves their problems.


Regarding repayment of our stipend

Sir, we are getting less stipend and recovery and reduction in mid academic year. This is not acceptable. There was not official Government Resolutions for NBEMS DNB Diploma Residents doctors. Sir we are serving the society and without informing any notice and with step in mid academic year we are getting appprox 5000 rs and approx 35000 rs stipend. We are stressed since 3 months and yet not any necessary steps has been taken. Sir as per NBEMS guidelines we have should equal payment. And after 18 months of our acedemic courses, you started recovered the previous amount. Kindly look out into this matter seriously. We should have equal stipend as per md/ms/dnb equivalent consolidated sum. Kindly provide our with our recovery amounts. Sir, I have got reply from Health ministry, new delhi as per letter numberNo.V. 11025/207/2023-MEP (FTS No. 8239556)on 18.12.2023 . CEO sir has answered our concern as it will not raised now. But we don't get our actual amount of stipend. We are mentally and financially stressed. We are getting only approx 5000 rs and 35000 rs stipend per month. As per NBEMS guidelines and authority Stated that our stipend is same as MD MS and DNB candidates as per letter no.from NBEMS reply NBEMS/EDO/2023/4065 and from health ministry , new delhi I got letter no.No.V. 11025/207/2023-MEP(FTS No. 8239556) Our Stipend should pay as soon as possible. We want strict action regarding this matter. Kindly seriously look out into this matter.



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Kishorbhai (Kumarbhai) Kanani

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