More About
Abbas Ansari
Date of birth 1992-02-12
Gender Male
Place Of Birth Uttar Pradesh
Permanent Address Flat No-20-10-1T2A , Metro City Tower Paper Mil Compounder Mahangar, Lucknow, U.P. - 226006
Constituency name Mau
Profession Politician
Citizenship indian
Party Name SBSP
Father's name Mukhtar Ansari
Mother's name Afshan Ansari
Spouse's name Nikhal Bano
Spouse's Profession Housewife
Assets & Liabilities
Assets Rs: 91843478
Liabilities Rs: N/A
Criminal case on
Abbas Ansari
IPC Section-420, 467, 468, 474, 477A, 379, 171H
- Brief Details of IPCs 1- 3 charges related to Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property (IPC Section-420) 2- 3 charges related to Forgery of valuable security, will, etc. (IPC Section-467) 3- 3 charges related to Forgery for purpose of cheating (IPC Section-468) 4- 1 charge related to Having possession of a document described in Section 466 or 467, knowing it to be forged, and intending to use it as genuine (IPC Section-474) 5- 1 charge related to Falsification of accounts (IPC Section-477A) 6- 1 charge related to Punishment for theft (IPC Section-379) 7- 1 charge related to Illegal payments in connection with an election (IPC Section-171H)
Frequently asked questions About Abbas Ansari
Abbas Ansari is SBSP MLA from Mau. He was born in Uttar Pradesh and currently lives in Flat No-20-10-1T2A , Metro City Tower Paper Mil Compounder Mahangar, Lucknow, U.P. - 226006. Regarding his education, He is a twelth-pass and is into Politician.
Abbas Ansari has assets worth Rs. 91843478 (Nine Crore Eighteen Lakh Forty-three Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-eight) and financial liability of Rs. 000000000 (Zero) .
We have found 1 criminal case registered against Abbas Ansari as of 2025. There are only few leaders in India who does not have criminal offences or cases registered against them. Choose your neta wisely and vote for nation's bright future!
You can contact him on 9670786786 / 9899500786 or can email him on
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